Like a force of nature the digital age cannot be denied or stopped, it has four powerful qualities that will result in its ultimate triumph. 
Type of evidence: Expert
It explains how this digital age is expanding the way it is.

My 86 year-old mother just came online.  She brought six kids into this world...
Type of evidence: Anecdotal
Raymo is interpreting that his mother can do almost anything she wants online.

On the internet no one knows you're a dog.
Type of evidence: Anecdotal
Raymo states that you can be anyone you want over the internet.

Only the hopelessly nerded-out technogeeks could be persuaded to trade the joys of direct human interaction for solitary play with their laptops in darkened rooms.
Type of evidence: Expert
The speaker is saying that nerded-out technogeeks would rather talk online than talking to someone in person.

The world Wide Web is the widest circle of all and a marginal loss of F2F is a small price we have to pay.
Type of evidence: Expert
The Internet is the reason why there is a loss of people communicating to one another face to face