Paragraph: 7
Key Term: Technogeek
Effect: The speaker uses slang to emphasize what he's trying to interpret.
Significance: Tells the reader that its a geek to its maximum limit.

Key Term: Nerded-out
Effect: The speaker uses slang to emphasize what he's trying to say.
Tells the reader that its a nerd to its maximum limit.

Paragraph: 8
Key Term: F2F
Effect: The author uses this abbreviation to show the reader how we talk online.
Significance: FACE TO FACE

Paragraph: 3
Key Term: Cyberized
Effect: It tells you that our generation is becoming more complex with new technology.
Significance: Most of the things we do today have been cyberized.

Paragraph: 4
Key Term: Digerati
Effect: It tells you that skilled people are proclaiming the digital age.
Significance: People who have skills with new technology will keep the digital age growing.